

第一章 - 生成式人工智能和 LLMs 介绍⚓︎

🔗 How GPT models work: accessible to everyone

🔗 Fundamentals of Generative AI

🔗 How GPT models work: accessible to everyone

🔗 Generative AI: Implication and Applications for Education

第二章 - 探索和比较不同的 LLMs⚓︎

🔗 How to use Open Source foundation models curated by Azure Machine Learning (preview) - Azure Machine Learning | Microsoft Learn

🔗 The Large Language Model (LLM) Index | Sapling

🔗 [2304.04052] Decoder-Only or Encoder-Decoder? Interpreting Language Model as a Regularized Encoder-Decoder (arxiv.org)

🔗 Retrieval Augmented Generation using Azure Machine Learning prompt flow

🔗 Grounding LLMs

🔗 The Large Language Model (LLM) Index | Sapling

🔗 [2304.04052] Decoder-Only or Encoder-Decoder? Interpreting Language Model as a Regularized Encoder-Decoder (arxiv.org)

第三章 - 负责任地使用生成式人工智能⚓︎

🔗 Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI

🔗 Grounding LLMs

🔗 Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI

🔗 Being Responsible with Generative AI

🔗 GPT-4 System Card

第四章 - 提示工程基础⚓︎

🔗 Introduction to Prompt Engineering

🔗 Prompt Engineering Overview

🔗 Azure OpenAI for Education Prompts

🔗 Introduction to Prompt Engineering

🔗 Prompt Engineering Overview

🔗 Azure OpenAI for Education Prompts

第五章 - 创建高级的提示工程技巧⚓︎

🔗 Prompt Engineering Techniques

第六章 - 创建文本生成应用⚓︎

🔗 Prompt Engineering Techniques

第七章 - 创建聊天应用⚓︎

🔗 System message framework and template recommendations for Large Language Models (LLMs)

🔗 Learn how to work with the GPT-35-Turbo and GPT-4 models

🔗 Fine-Tuning language models from human preferences

🔗 OpenAI Fine-Tuning

第八章 - 创建搜索应用⚓︎

🔗 Azure Cognitive Search

🔗 OpenAI Embedding API

🔗 Cosine Similarity

第九章- 创建图像生成应用⚓︎

🔗 Generate Images with Azure OpenAI Service

🔗 OpenAI's DALL-E and CLIP 101: A Brief Introduction

🔗 OpenAI's CLIP paper

🔗 OpenAI's DALL-E and CLIP 101: A Brief Introduction

🔗 OpenAI's CLIP paper

第十章 - 创建低代码的人工智能应用⚓︎

🔗 Add intelligence with AI Builder and GPT

🔗 Get Started with AI Builder

🔗 Detect Objects with AI Builder

🔗 Build a canvas app solution with Copilot in Power Apps

🔗 Power Platform Copilot Prompt Library

第十一章 - 为生成式 AI 添加 function calling⚓︎

🔗 OpenAI Functions Documentation

第十二章 - 为人工智能应用程序添加用户体验⚓︎

🔗 Best practices for building collaborative UX with Human-AI partnership

🔗 Designing Human-Centric AI Experiences: Applied UX Design for Artificial Intelligence by Akshay Kpre

🔗 UX for AI: Design Practices for AI Developers

🔗 New skills in the age of AI by John Maeda

🔗 Designing Human-Centric AI Experiences: Applied UX Design for Artificial Intelligence by Akshay Kpre