
04 字符串⚓︎



letter = 'P'                # 一个字符串可以是一个单字符或一堆文本
print(letter)               # P
print(len(letter))          # 1
greeting = 'Hello, World!'  # 字符串可以使用单引号或双引号创建,"Hello, World!"
print(greeting)             # Hello, World!
print(len(greeting))        # 13
sentence = "I hope you are enjoying 30 days of Python Challenge"


multiline_string = '''I am a teacher and enjoy teaching.
I didn't find anything as rewarding as empowering people.
That is why I created 30 days of python.'''

# 还有另一种做同样事情的方法
multiline_string = """I am a teacher and enjoy teaching.
I didn't find anything as rewarding as empowering people.
That is why I created 30 days of python."""



first_name = 'Asabeneh'
last_name = 'Yetayeh'
space = ' '
full_name = first_name  +  space + last_name
print(full_name) # Asabeneh Yetayeh
# 使用len()内置函数检查字符串的长度
print(len(first_name))  # 8
print(len(last_name))   # 7
print(len(first_name) > len(last_name)) # True
print(len(full_name)) # 16



  • \n:换行
  • \t:制表符(相当于8个空格)
  • \:反斜杠
  • \':单引号
  • \\":双引号"


print('I hope everyone is enjoying the Python Challenge.\nAre you ?') # 换行
print('Days\tTopics\tExercises') # 添加制表符或4个空格
print('Day 1\t5\t5')
print('Day 2\t6\t20')
print('Day 3\t5\t23')
print('Day 4\t1\t35')
print('This is a backslash  symbol (\\)') # 写一个反斜杠
print('In every programming language it starts with \"Hello, World!\"') # 在单引号内写双引号

# 输出
I hope every one is enjoying the Python Challenge.
Are you ?
Days    Topics  Exercises
Day 1   5       5
Day 2   6       20
Day 3   5       23
Day 4   1       35
This is a backslash  symbol (\)
In every programming language it starts with "Hello, World!"



在Python中,有许多格式化字符串的方式。在本节中,我们将介绍其中一些。 %运算符用于格式化一组变量,这些变量包含在一个“元组”(固定大小的列表)中,与格式化字符串一起使用,格式化字符串中包含常规文本和“参数说明符”等特殊符号,如%s%d%f%.<小数位数> f

  • %s - 字符串(或具有字符串表示的任何对象,如数字)
  • %d - 整数
  • %f - 浮点数
  • %.<小数位数>f - 具有固定精度的浮点数
# 仅包含字符串
first_name = 'Asabeneh'
last_name = 'Yetayeh'
language = 'Python'
formated_string = 'I am %s %s. I teach %s' %(first_name, last_name, language)

# 包含字符串和数字
radius = 10
pi = 3.14
area = pi * radius ** 2
formated_string = 'The area of circle with a radius %d is %.2f.' %(radius, area) # 2表示小数点后的2个有效数字
python_libraries = ['Django', 'Flask', 'NumPy', 'Matplotlib','Pandas']
formated_string = 'The following are python libraries:%s' % (python_libraries)
print(formated_string) # "The following are python libraries:['Django', 'Flask', 'NumPy', 'Matplotlib','Pandas']"


这种格式化是在Python 3版中引入的。

first_name = 'Asabeneh'
last_name = 'Yetayeh'
language = 'Python'
formated_string = 'I am {} {}. I teach {}'.format(first_name, last_name, language)
a = 4
b = 3
print('{} + {} = {}'.format(a, b, a + b))
print('{} - {} = {}'.format(a, b, a - b))
print('{} * {} = {}'.format(a, b, a * b))
print('{} / {} = {:.2f}'.format(a, b, a / b)) # 限制小数点后两位
print('{} % {} = {}'.format(a, b, a % b))
print('{} // {} = {}'.format(a, b, a // b))
print('{} ** {} = {}'.format(a, b, a ** b))

# 输出
4 + 3 = 7
4 - 3 = 1
4 * 3 = 12
4 / 3 = 1.33
4 % 3 = 1
4 // 3 = 1
4 ** 3 = 64

# 字符串和数字
radius = 10
pi = 3.14
area = pi * radius ** 2
formated_string = 'The area of a circle with a radius {} is {:.2f}.'.format(radius, area) # 2位


字符串插值 / f-Strings(Python 3.6+)⚓︎


a = 4
b = 3
print(f'{a} + {b} = {a +b}')
print(f'{a} - {b} = {a - b}')
print(f'{a} * {b} = {a * b}')
print(f'{a} / {b} = {a / b:.2f}')
print(f'{a} % {b} = {a % b}')
print(f'{a} // {b} = {a // b}')
print(f'{a} ** {b} = {a ** b}')




language = 'Python'
a,b,c,d,e,f = language # 解包序列字符到变量
print(a) # P
print(b) # y
print(c) # t
print(d) # h
print(e) # o
print(f) # n





language = 'Python'
first_three = language[0:3] # 从零索引开始,直到3,但不包括3
print(first_three) #Pyt
last_three = language[3:6]
print(last_three) # hon
# 另一种方法
last_three = language[-3:]
print(last_three)   # hon
last_three = language[3:]
print(last_three)   # hon



greeting = 'Hello, World!'
print(greeting[::-1]) # !dlroW ,olleH



language = 'Python'
pto = language[0:6:2] #
print(pto) # Pto



  • capitalize(): 将字符串的第一个字符转换为大写字母
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.capitalize()) # 'Thirty days of python'
  • count(): 返回字符串中子字符串的出现次数,count(substring, start=.., end=..)start是计数的起始索引,end是计数的最后一个索引。
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.count('y')) # 3
print(challenge.count('y', 7, 14)) # 1
print(challenge.count('th')) # 2
  • endswith(): 检查字符串是否以指定的后缀结束
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.endswith('on'))   # True
print(challenge.endswith('tion')) # False
  • expandtabs(): 用空格替换制表符字符,默认制表符大小为8。它接受制表符大小参数。
challenge = 'thirty\tdays\tof\tpython'
print(challenge.expandtabs())   # 'thirty  days    of      python'
print(challenge.expandtabs(10)) # 'thirty    days      of        python'
  • find(): 返回子字符串的第一次出现的索引,如果未找到则返回-1
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.find('y'))  # 5
print(challenge.find('th')) # 0
  • rfind(): 返回子字符串的最后一次出现的索引,如果未找到则返回-1
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.rfind('y'))  # 16
print(challenge.rfind('th')) # 17
  • format(): 将字符串格式化为更好的输出。 有关字符串格式化的更多信息,请查看此链接
first_name = 'Asabeneh'
last_name = 'Yetayeh'
age = 250
job = 'teacher'
country = 'Finland'
sentence = 'I am {} {}. I am a {}. I am {} years old. I live in {}.'.format(first_name, last_name, age, job, country)
print(sentence) # I am Asabeneh Yetayeh. I am 250 years old. I am a teacher. I live in Finland.

radius = 10
pi = 3.14
area = pi * radius ** 2
result = 'The area of a circle with radius {} is {}'.format(str(radius), str(area))
print(result) # The area of a circle with radius 10 is 314
  • index(): 返回子字符串的最低索引,附加参数指示开始和结束索引(默认为0和字符串长度-1)。如果未找到子字符串,则引发ValueError。
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
sub_string = 'da'
print(challenge.index(sub_string))  # 7
print(challenge.index(sub_string, 9)) # 错误
  • rindex(): 返回子字符串的最高索引,附加参数指示开始和结束索引(默认为0和字符串长度-1)。
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
sub_string = 'da'
print(challenge.rindex(sub_string))  # 8
print(challenge.rindex(sub_string, 9)) # 错误
  • isalnum(): 检查是否为字母数字字符
challenge = 'ThirtyDaysPython'
print(challenge.isalnum()) # True

challenge = '30DaysPython'
print(challenge.isalnum()) # True

challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.isalnum()) # False,空格不是字母数字字符

challenge = 'thirty days of python 2019'
print(challenge.isalnum()) # False
  • isalpha(): 检查字符串中的所有元素是否都是字母字符(a-z和A-Z)
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.isalpha()) # False,空格再次被排除
challenge = 'ThirtyDaysPython'
print(challenge.isalpha()) # True
num = '123'
print(num.isalpha())      # False
  • isdecimal(): 检查字符串中的所有字符是否都是十进制数字(0-9)
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.isdecimal())  # False
challenge = '123'
print(challenge.isdecimal())  # True
challenge = '\u00B2'
print(challenge.isdigit())   # False
challenge = '12 3'
print(challenge.isdecimal())  # False,不允许空格
  • isdigit(): 检查字符串中的所有字符是否都是数字(0-9和一些其他用于表示数字的Unicode字符)
challenge = 'Thirty'
print(challenge.isdigit()) # False
challenge = '30'
print(challenge.isdigit())   # True
challenge = '\u00B2'
print(challenge.isdigit())   # True
  • isnumeric(): 检查字符串中的所有字符是否都是数字或与数字有关(与isdigit()相似,只接受更多的符号,如½)
num = '10'
print(num.isnumeric()) # True
num = '\u00BD' # ½
print(num.isnumeric()) # True
num = '10.5'
print(num.isnumeric()) # False
  • isidentifier(): 检查是否为有效标识符 - 它检查字符串是否为有效的变量名
challenge = '30DaysOfPython'
print(challenge.isidentifier()) # False,因为以数字开头
challenge = 'thirty_days_of_python'
print(challenge.isidentifier()) # True
  • islower(): 检查字符串中的所有字母字符是否都是小写
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.islower()) # True
challenge = 'Thirty days of python'
print(challenge.islower()) # False
  • isupper(): 检查字符串中的所有字母字符是否都是大写
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.isupper()) # False
print(challenge.isupper()) # True
  • join(): 返回连接的字符串
web_tech = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React']
result = ' '.join(web_tech)
print(result) # 'HTML CSS JavaScript React'
web_tech = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JavaScript', 'React']
result = '# '.join(web_tech)
print(result) # 'HTML# CSS# JavaScript# React'
  • strip(): 从字符串的开头和结尾删除所有给定的字符


challenge = 'thirty days of pythoonnn'
print(challenge.strip('noth')) # 'irty days of py'
  • replace(): 用给定的字符串替换子字符串
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.replace('python', 'coding')) # 'thirty days of coding'
  • split(): 使用给定的字符串或空格作为分隔符拆分字符串
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.split()) # ['thirty', 'days', 'of', 'python']
challenge = 'thirty, days, of, python'
print(challenge.split(', ')) # ['thirty', 'days', 'of', 'python']
  • title(): 返回以标题格式的字符串
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.title()) # Thirty Days Of Python
  • swapcase(): 将所有大写字符转换为小写字符,将所有小写字符转换为大写字符
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.swapcase())   # THIRTY DAYS OF PYTHON
challenge = 'Thirty Days Of Python'
print(challenge.swapcase())  # tHIRTY dAYS oF pYTHON
  • startswith(): 检查字符串是否以指定的字符串开头
challenge = 'thirty days of python'
print(challenge.startswith('thirty')) # True

challenge = '30 days of python'
print(challenge.startswith('thirty')) # False

🌕 你是一个非凡的人,拥有卓越的潜力。 你刚刚完成了第4天的挑战,你已经走在了伟大之路上的四步。 现在,为你的大脑和肌肉做一些练习。

💻 练习⚓︎

  1. 将字符串 'Thirty', 'Days', 'Of', 'Python' 连接为一个单一的字符串 'Thirty Days Of Python'。

  2. 将字符串 'Coding', 'For', 'All' 连接为一个单一的字符串 'Coding For All'。

  3. 声明一个名为 company 的变量,并将其初始值设置为 "Coding For All"。

  4. 使用 print() 打印变量 company

  5. 使用 len() 方法打印字符串 company 的长度,并使用 print() 打印结果。

  6. 使用 upper() 方法将所有字符更改为大写字母。

  7. 使用 lower() 方法将所有字符更改为小写字母。

  8. 使用 capitalize()title()swapcase() 方法格式化字符串值 "Coding For All"。

  9. 切割出 "Coding For All" 字符串的第一个单词。

  10. 检查 "Coding For All" 字符串是否包含单词 "Coding",使用 index()find() 或其他方法。

  11. 将字符串 "Coding For All" 中的单词 "Coding" 替换为 "Python"。

  12. 使用替换方法或其他方法将 "Python for Everyone" 更改为

"Python for All"。

  1. 使用空格作为分隔符(split())拆分字符串 "Coding For All"。

  2. 请将字符串 "Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle, Amazon" 以逗号分隔拆分。

  3. 字符串 "Coding For All" 中索引为0的字符是什么?

  4. 字符串 "Coding For All" 中的最后一个索引是什么?

  5. 在字符串 "Coding For All" 中的索引10处是什么字符?

  6. 为名称 'Python For Everyone' 创建一个首字母缩写或简称。

  7. 为名称 'Coding For All' 创建一个首字母缩写或简称。

  8. 使用 index() 确定字符串 "Coding For All" 中C的第一次出现的位置。

  9. 使用 index() 确定字符串 "Coding For All" 中F的第一次出现的位置。

  10. 使用 rfind() 确定字符串 "Coding For All People" 中l的最后一次出现的位置。

  11. 使用 index()find() 查找以下句子中单词 'because' 的第一次出现位置:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'。

  12. 使用 rindex() 查找以下句子中单词 'because' 的最后一次出现位置:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'。

  13. 在以下句子中切割出短语 'because because because':'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'。

  14. 在以下句子中找到单词 'because' 的第一次出现的位置:'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'。

  15. 在以下句子中切割出短语 'because because because':'You cannot end a sentence with because because because is a conjunction'。

  16. 字符串 '\Coding For All' 是否以子串 'Coding' 开头?

  17. 字符串 'Coding For All' 是否以子串 'coding' 结尾?

  18. '   Coding For All      '  ,移除给定字符串的左侧和右侧的空格。

  19. 以下哪个变量在使用 isidentifier() 方法时返回 True:

    • 30DaysOfPython
    • thirty_days_of_python
  20. 以下列表包含一些Python库的名称:['Django', 'Flask', 'Bottle', 'Pyramid', 'Falcon']。使用空格字符串作为分隔符,将列表连接起来。

  21. 使用新行转义序列分隔以下句子。

    I am enjoying this challenge.
    I just wonder what is next.
  22. 使用制表符转义序列编写以下行。

    Name      Age     Country   City
    Asabeneh  250     Finland   Helsinki
  23. 使用字符串格式化方法显示以下内容:

radius = 10
area = 3.14 * radius ** 2
The area of a circle with radius 10 is 314 meters square.
  1. 使用字符串格式化方法制作以下内容:
8 + 6 = 14
8 - 6 = 2
8 * 6 = 48
8 / 6 = 1.33
8 % 6 = 2
8 // 6 = 1
8 ** 6 = 262144