Deep Recurrent Neural Networks⚓︎
Up until now, we have focused on defining networks consisting of a sequence input, a single hidden RNN layer, and an output layer. Despite having just one hidden layer between the input at any time step and the corresponding output, there is a sense in which these networks are deep. Inputs from the first time step can influence the outputs at the final time step \(T\) (often 100s or 1000s of steps later). These inputs pass through \(T\) applications of the recurrent layer before reaching the final output. However, we often also wish to retain the ability to express complex relationships between the inputs at a given time step and the outputs at that same time step. Thus we often construct RNNs that are deep not only in the time direction but also in the input-to-output direction. This is precisely the notion of depth that we have already encountered in our development of MLPs and deep CNNs.
The standard method for building this sort of deep RNN
is strikingly simple: we stack the RNNs on top of each other.
Given a sequence of length \(T\), the first RNN produces
a sequence of outputs, also of length \(T\).
These, in turn, constitute the inputs to the next RNN layer.
In this short section, we illustrate this design pattern
and present a simple example for how to code up such stacked RNNs.
Below, in :numref:fig_deep_rnn
, we illustrate
a deep RNN with \(L\) hidden layers.
Each hidden state operates on a sequential input
and produces a sequential output.
Moreover, any RNN cell (white box in :numref:fig_deep_rnn
) at each time step
depends on both the same layer's
value at the previous time step
and the previous layer's value
at the same time step.
Formally, suppose that we have a minibatch input \(\mathbf{X}_t \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}\) (number of examples \(=n\); number of inputs in each example \(=d\)) at time step \(t\). At the same time step, let the hidden state of the \(l^\textrm{th}\) hidden layer (\(l=1,\ldots,L\)) be \(\mathbf{H}_t^{(l)} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times h}\) (number of hidden units \(=h\)) and the output layer variable be \(\mathbf{O}_t \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times q}\) (number of outputs: \(q\)). Setting \(\mathbf{H}_t^{(0)} = \mathbf{X}_t\), the hidden state of the \(l^\textrm{th}\) hidden layer that uses the activation function \(\phi_l\) is calculated as follows:
\(\(\mathbf{H}_t^{(l)} = \phi_l(\mathbf{H}_t^{(l-1)} \mathbf{W}_{\textrm{xh}}^{(l)} + \mathbf{H}_{t-1}^{(l)} \mathbf{W}_{\textrm{hh}}^{(l)} + \mathbf{b}_\textrm{h}^{(l)}),\)\)
where the weights \(\mathbf{W}_{\textrm{xh}}^{(l)} \in \mathbb{R}^{h \times h}\) and \(\mathbf{W}_{\textrm{hh}}^{(l)} \in \mathbb{R}^{h \times h}\), together with the bias \(\mathbf{b}_\textrm{h}^{(l)} \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times h}\), are the model parameters of the \(l^\textrm{th}\) hidden layer.
At the end, the calculation of the output layer is only based on the hidden state of the final \(L^\textrm{th}\) hidden layer:
where the weight \(\mathbf{W}_{\textrm{hq}} \in \mathbb{R}^{h \times q}\) and the bias \(\mathbf{b}_\textrm{q} \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times q}\) are the model parameters of the output layer.
Just as with MLPs, the number of hidden layers \(L\)
and the number of hidden units \(h\) are hyperparameters
that we can tune.
Common RNN layer widths (\(h\)) are in the range \((64, 2056)\),
and common depths (\(L\)) are in the range \((1, 8)\).
In addition, we can easily get a deep-gated RNN
by replacing the hidden state computation in :eqref:eq_deep_rnn_H
with that from an LSTM or a GRU.
tab.interact_select('mxnet', 'pytorch', 'tensorflow', 'jax')
%%tab mxnet
from d2l import mxnet as d2l
from mxnet import np, npx
from mxnet.gluon import rnn
%%tab pytorch
from d2l import torch as d2l
import torch
from torch import nn
%%tab tensorflow
from d2l import tensorflow as d2l
import tensorflow as tf
%%tab jax
from d2l import jax as d2l
from flax import linen as nn
import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
Implementation from Scratch⚓︎
To implement a multilayer RNN from scratch,
we can treat each layer as an RNNScratch
with its own learnable parameters.
%%tab mxnet, tensorflow
class StackedRNNScratch(d2l.Module):
def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers, sigma=0.01):
self.rnns = [d2l.RNNScratch(num_inputs if i==0 else num_hiddens,
num_hiddens, sigma)
for i in range(num_layers)]
%%tab pytorch
class StackedRNNScratch(d2l.Module):
def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers, sigma=0.01):
self.rnns = nn.Sequential(*[d2l.RNNScratch(
num_inputs if i==0 else num_hiddens, num_hiddens, sigma)
for i in range(num_layers)])
%%tab jax
class StackedRNNScratch(d2l.Module):
num_inputs: int
num_hiddens: int
num_layers: int
sigma: float = 0.01
def setup(self):
self.rnns = [d2l.RNNScratch(self.num_inputs if i==0 else self.num_hiddens,
self.num_hiddens, self.sigma)
for i in range(self.num_layers)]
The multilayer forward computation simply performs forward computation layer by layer.
%%tab all
def forward(self, inputs, Hs=None):
outputs = inputs
if Hs is None: Hs = [None] * self.num_layers
for i in range(self.num_layers):
outputs, Hs[i] = self.rnns[i](outputs, Hs[i])
outputs = d2l.stack(outputs, 0)
return outputs, Hs
As an example, we train a deep GRU model on
The Time Machine dataset (same as in :numref:sec_rnn-scratch
To keep things simple we set the number of layers to 2.
%%tab all
data = d2l.TimeMachine(batch_size=1024, num_steps=32)
if tab.selected('mxnet', 'pytorch', 'jax'):
rnn_block = StackedRNNScratch(num_inputs=len(data.vocab),
num_hiddens=32, num_layers=2)
model = d2l.RNNLMScratch(rnn_block, vocab_size=len(data.vocab), lr=2)
trainer = d2l.Trainer(max_epochs=100, gradient_clip_val=1, num_gpus=1)
if tab.selected('tensorflow'):
with d2l.try_gpu():
rnn_block = StackedRNNScratch(num_inputs=len(data.vocab),
num_hiddens=32, num_layers=2)
model = d2l.RNNLMScratch(rnn_block, vocab_size=len(data.vocab), lr=2)
trainer = d2l.Trainer(max_epochs=100, gradient_clip_val=1), data)
Concise Implementation⚓︎
:begin_tab:pytorch, mxnet, tensorflow
Fortunately many of the logistical details required
to implement multiple layers of an RNN
are readily available in high-level APIs.
Our concise implementation will use such built-in functionalities.
The code generalizes the one we used previously in :numref:sec_gru
letting us specify the number of layers explicitly
rather than picking the default of only one layer.
Flax takes a minimalistic approach while implementing
RNNs. Defining the number of layers in an RNN or combining it with dropout
is not available out of the box.
Our concise implementation will use all built-in functionalities and
add num_layers
and dropout
features on top.
The code generalizes the one we used previously in :numref:sec_gru
allowing specification of the number of layers explicitly
rather than picking the default of a single layer.
%%tab mxnet
class GRU(d2l.RNN): #@save
"""The multilayer GRU model."""
def __init__(self, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=0):
self.rnn = rnn.GRU(num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=dropout)
%%tab pytorch
class GRU(d2l.RNN): #@save
"""The multilayer GRU model."""
def __init__(self, num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=0):
self.rnn = nn.GRU(num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_layers,
%%tab tensorflow
class GRU(d2l.RNN): #@save
"""The multilayer GRU model."""
def __init__(self, num_hiddens, num_layers, dropout=0):
gru_cells = [tf.keras.layers.GRUCell(num_hiddens, dropout=dropout)
for _ in range(num_layers)]
self.rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(gru_cells, return_sequences=True,
return_state=True, time_major=True)
def forward(self, X, state=None):
outputs, *state = self.rnn(X, state)
return outputs, state
%%tab jax
class GRU(d2l.RNN): #@save
"""The multilayer GRU model."""
num_hiddens: int
num_layers: int
dropout: float = 0
def __call__(self, X, state=None, training=False):
outputs = X
new_state = []
if state is None:
batch_size = X.shape[1]
state = [nn.GRUCell.initialize_carry(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),
(batch_size,), self.num_hiddens)] * self.num_layers
GRU = nn.scan(nn.GRUCell, variable_broadcast="params",
in_axes=0, out_axes=0, split_rngs={"params": False})
# Introduce a dropout layer after every GRU layer except last
for i in range(self.num_layers - 1):
layer_i_state, X = GRU()(state[i], outputs)
X = nn.Dropout(self.dropout, deterministic=not training)(X)
# Final GRU layer without dropout
out_state, X = GRU()(state[-1], X)
return X, jnp.array(new_state)
The architectural decisions such as choosing hyperparameters
are very similar to those of :numref:sec_gru
We pick the same number of inputs and outputs
as we have distinct tokens, i.e., vocab_size
The number of hidden units is still 32.
The only difference is that we now
(select a nontrivial number of hidden layers
by specifying the value of num_layers
%%tab mxnet
gru = GRU(num_hiddens=32, num_layers=2)
model = d2l.RNNLM(gru, vocab_size=len(data.vocab), lr=2)
# Running takes > 1h (pending fix from MXNet)
#, data)
# model.predict('it has', 20, data.vocab, d2l.try_gpu())
%%tab pytorch, tensorflow, jax
if tab.selected('tensorflow', 'jax'):
gru = GRU(num_hiddens=32, num_layers=2)
if tab.selected('pytorch'):
gru = GRU(num_inputs=len(data.vocab), num_hiddens=32, num_layers=2)
if tab.selected('pytorch', 'jax'):
model = d2l.RNNLM(gru, vocab_size=len(data.vocab), lr=2)
if tab.selected('tensorflow'):
with d2l.try_gpu():
model = d2l.RNNLM(gru, vocab_size=len(data.vocab), lr=2), data)
%%tab pytorch
model.predict('it has', 20, data.vocab, d2l.try_gpu())
%%tab tensorflow
model.predict('it has', 20, data.vocab)
%%tab jax
model.predict('it has', 20, data.vocab, trainer.state.params)
In deep RNNs, the hidden state information is passed to the next time step of the current layer and the current time step of the next layer. There exist many different flavors of deep RNNs, such as LSTMs, GRUs, or vanilla RNNs. Conveniently, these models are all available as parts of the high-level APIs of deep learning frameworks. Initialization of models requires care. Overall, deep RNNs require considerable amount of work (such as learning rate and clipping) to ensure proper convergence.
- Replace the GRU by an LSTM and compare the accuracy and training speed.
- Increase the training data to include multiple books. How low can you go on the perplexity scale?
- Would you want to combine sources of different authors when modeling text? Why is this a good idea? What could go wrong?
创建日期: November 25, 2023