%load_ext d2lbook.tab
tab.interact_select('mxnet', 'pytorch', 'tensorflow', 'jax')
Machine Translation and the Dataset⚓︎
Among the major breakthroughs that prompted widespread interest in modern RNNs was a major advance in the applied field of statistical machine translation. Here, the model is presented with a sentence in one language and must predict the corresponding sentence in another. Note that here the sentences may be of different lengths, and that corresponding words in the two sentences may not occur in the same order, owing to differences in the two language's grammatical structure.
Many problems have this flavor of mapping
between two such "unaligned" sequences.
Examples include mapping
from dialog prompts to replies
or from questions to answers.
Broadly, such problems are called
sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) problems
and they are our focus for
both the remainder of this chapter
and much of :numref:chap_attention-and-transformers
In this section, we introduce the machine translation problem
and an example dataset that we will use in the subsequent examples.
For decades, statistical formulations of translation between languages
had been popular :cite:Brown.Cocke.Della-Pietra.ea.1988,Brown.Cocke.Della-Pietra.ea.1990
even before researchers got neural network approaches working
(methods were often lumped together under the term neural machine translation).
First we will need some new code to process our data.
Unlike the language modeling that we saw in :numref:sec_language-model
here each example consists of two separate text sequences,
one in the source language and another (the translation) in the target language.
The following code snippets will show how
to load the preprocessed data into minibatches for training.
%%tab mxnet
from d2l import mxnet as d2l
from mxnet import np, npx
import os
%%tab pytorch
from d2l import torch as d2l
import torch
import os
%%tab tensorflow
from d2l import tensorflow as d2l
import tensorflow as tf
import os
%%tab jax
from d2l import jax as d2l
from jax import numpy as jnp
import os
[Downloading and Preprocessing the Dataset]⚓︎
To begin, we download an English--French dataset that consists of bilingual sentence pairs from the Tatoeba Project. Each line in the dataset is a tab-delimited pair consisting of an English text sequence (the source) and the translated French text sequence (the target). Note that each text sequence can be just one sentence, or a paragraph of multiple sentences.
%%tab all
class MTFraEng(d2l.DataModule): #@save
"""The English-French dataset."""
def _download(self):
d2l.DATA_URL+'fra-eng.zip', self.root,
with open(self.root + '/fra-eng/fra.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return f.read()
%%tab all
data = MTFraEng()
raw_text = data._download()
After downloading the dataset, we [proceed with several preprocessing steps] for the raw text data. For instance, we replace non-breaking space with space, convert uppercase letters to lowercase ones, and insert space between words and punctuation marks.
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def _preprocess(self, text):
# Replace non-breaking space with space
text = text.replace('\u202f', ' ').replace('\xa0', ' ')
# Insert space between words and punctuation marks
no_space = lambda char, prev_char: char in ',.!?' and prev_char != ' '
out = [' ' + char if i > 0 and no_space(char, text[i - 1]) else char
for i, char in enumerate(text.lower())]
return ''.join(out)
%%tab all
text = data._preprocess(raw_text)
Unlike the character-level tokenization
in :numref:sec_language-model
for machine translation
we prefer word-level tokenization here
(today's state-of-the-art models use
more complex tokenization techniques).
The following _tokenize
tokenizes the first max_examples
text sequence pairs,
where each token is either a word or a punctuation mark.
We append the special “<eos>” token
to the end of every sequence to indicate the
end of the sequence.
When a model is predicting
by generating a sequence token after token,
the generation of the “<eos>” token
can suggest that the output sequence is complete.
In the end, the method below returns
two lists of token lists: src
and tgt
Specifically, src[i]
is a list of tokens from the
\(i^\textrm{th}\) text sequence in the source language (English here)
and tgt[i]
is that in the target language (French here).
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def _tokenize(self, text, max_examples=None):
src, tgt = [], []
for i, line in enumerate(text.split('\n')):
if max_examples and i > max_examples: break
parts = line.split('\t')
if len(parts) == 2:
# Skip empty tokens
src.append([t for t in f'{parts[0]} <eos>'.split(' ') if t])
tgt.append([t for t in f'{parts[1]} <eos>'.split(' ') if t])
return src, tgt
%%tab all
src, tgt = data._tokenize(text)
src[:6], tgt[:6]
Let's [plot the histogram of the number of tokens per text sequence.] In this simple English--French dataset, most of the text sequences have fewer than 20 tokens.
%%tab all
def show_list_len_pair_hist(legend, xlabel, ylabel, xlist, ylist):
"""Plot the histogram for list length pairs."""
_, _, patches = d2l.plt.hist(
[[len(l) for l in xlist], [len(l) for l in ylist]])
for patch in patches[1].patches:
%%tab all
show_list_len_pair_hist(['source', 'target'], '# tokens per sequence',
'count', src, tgt);
Loading Sequences of Fixed Length⚓︎
Recall that in language modeling
[each example sequence],
either a segment of one sentence
or a span over multiple sentences,
(had a fixed length.)
This was specified by the num_steps
(number of time steps or tokens) argument from :numref:sec_language-model
In machine translation, each example is
a pair of source and target text sequences,
where the two text sequences may have different lengths.
For computational efficiency,
we can still process a minibatch of text sequences
at one time by truncation and padding.
Suppose that every sequence in the same minibatch
should have the same length num_steps
If a text sequence has fewer than num_steps
we will keep appending the special "<pad>" token
to its end until its length reaches num_steps
Otherwise, we will truncate the text sequence
by only taking its first num_steps
and discarding the remaining.
In this way, every text sequence
will have the same length
to be loaded in minibatches of the same shape.
Furthermore, we also record length of the source sequence excluding padding tokens.
This information will be needed by some models that we will cover later.
Since the machine translation dataset
consists of pairs of languages,
we can build two vocabularies for
both the source language and
the target language separately.
With word-level tokenization,
the vocabulary size will be significantly larger
than that using character-level tokenization.
To alleviate this,
here we treat infrequent tokens
that appear less than twice
as the same unknown ("<unk>") token.
As we will explain later (:numref:fig_seq2seq
when training with target sequences,
the decoder output (label tokens)
can be the same decoder input (target tokens),
shifted by one token;
and the special beginning-of-sequence "<bos>" token
will be used as the first input token
for predicting the target sequence (:numref:fig_seq2seq_predict
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def __init__(self, batch_size, num_steps=9, num_train=512, num_val=128):
super(MTFraEng, self).__init__()
self.arrays, self.src_vocab, self.tgt_vocab = self._build_arrays(
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def _build_arrays(self, raw_text, src_vocab=None, tgt_vocab=None):
def _build_array(sentences, vocab, is_tgt=False):
pad_or_trim = lambda seq, t: (
seq[:t] if len(seq) > t else seq + ['<pad>'] * (t - len(seq)))
sentences = [pad_or_trim(s, self.num_steps) for s in sentences]
if is_tgt:
sentences = [['<bos>'] + s for s in sentences]
if vocab is None:
vocab = d2l.Vocab(sentences, min_freq=2)
array = d2l.tensor([vocab[s] for s in sentences])
valid_len = d2l.reduce_sum(
d2l.astype(array != vocab['<pad>'], d2l.int32), 1)
return array, vocab, valid_len
src, tgt = self._tokenize(self._preprocess(raw_text),
self.num_train + self.num_val)
src_array, src_vocab, src_valid_len = _build_array(src, src_vocab)
tgt_array, tgt_vocab, _ = _build_array(tgt, tgt_vocab, True)
return ((src_array, tgt_array[:,:-1], src_valid_len, tgt_array[:,1:]),
src_vocab, tgt_vocab)
[Reading the Dataset]⚓︎
Finally, we define the get_dataloader
to return the data iterator.
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def get_dataloader(self, train):
idx = slice(0, self.num_train) if train else slice(self.num_train, None)
return self.get_tensorloader(self.arrays, train, idx)
Let's [read the first minibatch from the English--French dataset.]
%%tab all
data = MTFraEng(batch_size=3)
src, tgt, src_valid_len, label = next(iter(data.train_dataloader()))
print('source:', d2l.astype(src, d2l.int32))
print('decoder input:', d2l.astype(tgt, d2l.int32))
print('source len excluding pad:', d2l.astype(src_valid_len, d2l.int32))
print('label:', d2l.astype(label, d2l.int32))
We show a pair of source and target sequences
processed by the above _build_arrays
(in the string format).
%%tab all
@d2l.add_to_class(MTFraEng) #@save
def build(self, src_sentences, tgt_sentences):
raw_text = '\n'.join([src + '\t' + tgt for src, tgt in zip(
src_sentences, tgt_sentences)])
arrays, _, _ = self._build_arrays(
raw_text, self.src_vocab, self.tgt_vocab)
return arrays
%%tab all
src, tgt, _, _ = data.build(['hi .'], ['salut .'])
print('source:', data.src_vocab.to_tokens(d2l.astype(src[0], d2l.int32)))
print('target:', data.tgt_vocab.to_tokens(d2l.astype(tgt[0], d2l.int32)))
In natural language processing, machine translation refers to the task of automatically mapping from a sequence representing a string of text in a source language to a string representing a plausible translation in a target language. Using word-level tokenization, the vocabulary size will be significantly larger than that using character-level tokenization, but the sequence lengths will be much shorter. To mitigate the large vocabulary size, we can treat infrequent tokens as some "unknown" token. We can truncate and pad text sequences so that all of them will have the same length to be loaded in minibatches. Modern implementations often bucket sequences with similar lengths to avoid wasting excessive computation on padding.
- Try different values of the
argument in the_tokenize
method. How does this affect the vocabulary sizes of the source language and the target language? - Text in some languages such as Chinese and Japanese does not have word boundary indicators (e.g., space). Is word-level tokenization still a good idea for such cases? Why or why not?
创建日期: November 25, 2023