Approximate Training⚓︎
Recall our discussions in :numref:sec_word2vec
The main idea of the skip-gram model is
using softmax operations to calculate
the conditional probability of
generating a context word \(w_o\)
based on the given center word \(w_c\)
in :eqref:eq_skip-gram-softmax
whose corresponding logarithmic loss is given by
the opposite of :eqref:eq_skip-gram-log
Due to the nature of the softmax operation,
since a context word may be anyone in the
dictionary \(\mathcal{V}\),
the opposite of :eqref:eq_skip-gram-log
contains the summation
of items as many as the entire size of the vocabulary.
the gradient calculation
for the skip-gram model
in :eqref:eq_skip-gram-grad
and that
for the continuous bag-of-words model
in :eqref:eq_cbow-gradient
both contain
the summation.
the computational cost
for such gradients
that sum over
a large dictionary
(often with
hundreds of thousands or millions of words)
is huge!
In order to reduce the aforementioned computational complexity, this section will introduce two approximate training methods: negative sampling and hierarchical softmax. Due to the similarity between the skip-gram model and the continuous bag of words model, we will just take the skip-gram model as an example to describe these two approximate training methods.
Negative Sampling⚓︎
Negative sampling modifies the original objective function. Given the context window of a center word \(w_c\), the fact that any (context) word \(w_o\) comes from this context window is considered as an event with the probability modeled by
where \(\sigma\) uses the definition of the sigmoid activation function:
\(\(\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1+\exp(-x)}.\)\)
Let's begin by maximizing the joint probability of all such events in text sequences to train word embeddings. Specifically, given a text sequence of length \(T\), denote by \(w^{(t)}\) the word at time step \(t\) and let the context window size be \(m\), consider maximizing the joint probability
$$ \prod_{t=1}^{T} \prod_{-m \leq j \leq m,\ j \neq 0} P(D=1\mid w^{(t)}, w^{(t+j)}).$$
only considers those events
that involve positive examples.
As a result,
the joint probability in
is maximized to 1
only if all the word vectors are equal to infinity.
Of course,
such results are meaningless.
To make the objective function
more meaningful,
negative sampling
adds negative examples sampled
from a predefined distribution.
Denote by \(S\)
the event that
a context word \(w_o\) comes from
the context window of a center word \(w_c\).
For this event involving \(w_o\),
from a predefined distribution \(P(w)\)
sample \(K\) noise words
that are not from this context window.
Denote by \(N_k\)
the event that
a noise word \(w_k\) (\(k=1, \ldots, K\))
does not come from
the context window of \(w_c\).
Assume that
these events involving
both the positive example and negative examples
\(S, N_1, \ldots, N_K\) are mutually independent.
Negative sampling
rewrites the joint probability (involving only positive examples)
in :eqref:eq-negative-sample-pos
where the conditional probability is approximated through events \(S, N_1, \ldots, N_K\):
$$ P(w^{(t+j)} \mid w^{(t)}) =P(D=1\mid w^{(t)}, w^{(t+j)})\prod_{k=1,\ w_k \sim P(w)}^K P(D=0\mid w^{(t)}, w_k).$$
Denote by
\(i_t\) and \(h_k\)
the indices of
a word \(w^{(t)}\) at time step \(t\)
of a text sequence
and a noise word \(w_k\),
The logarithmic loss with respect to the conditional probabilities in :eqref:eq-negative-sample-conditional-prob
We can see that now the computational cost for gradients at each training step has nothing to do with the dictionary size, but linearly depends on \(K\). When setting the hyperparameter \(K\) to a smaller value, the computational cost for gradients at each training step with negative sampling is smaller.
Hierarchical Softmax⚓︎
As an alternative approximate training method,
hierarchical softmax
uses the binary tree,
a data structure
illustrated in :numref:fig_hi_softmax
where each leaf node
of the tree represents
a word in dictionary \(\mathcal{V}\).
Denote by \(L(w)\)
the number of nodes (including both ends)
on the path
from the root node to the leaf node representing word \(w\)
in the binary tree.
Let \(n(w,j)\) be the \(j^\textrm{th}\) node on this path,
with its context word vector being
\(\mathbf{u}_{n(w, j)}\).
For example,
\(L(w_3) = 4\) in :numref:fig_hi_softmax
Hierarchical softmax approximates the conditional probability in :eqref:eq_skip-gram-softmax
where function \(\sigma\)
is defined in :eqref:eq_sigma-f
and \(\textrm{leftChild}(n)\) is the left child node of node \(n\): if \(x\) is true, \([\![x]\!] = 1\); otherwise \([\![x]\!] = -1\).
To illustrate,
let's calculate
the conditional probability
of generating word \(w_3\)
given word \(w_c\) in :numref:fig_hi_softmax
This requires dot products
between the word vector
\(\mathbf{v}_c\) of \(w_c\)
non-leaf node vectors
on the path (the path in bold in :numref:fig_hi_softmax
) from the root to \(w_3\),
which is traversed left, right, then left:
Since \(\sigma(x)+\sigma(-x) = 1\), it holds that the conditional probabilities of generating all the words in dictionary \(\mathcal{V}\) based on any word \(w_c\) sum up to one:
\(\(\sum_{w \in \mathcal{V}} P(w \mid w_c) = 1.\)\)
Fortunately, since \(L(w_o)-1\) is on the order of \(\mathcal{O}(\textrm{log}_2|\mathcal{V}|)\) due to the binary tree structure, when the dictionary size \(\mathcal{V}\) is huge, the computational cost for each training step using hierarchical softmax is significantly reduced compared with that without approximate training.
- Negative sampling constructs the loss function by considering mutually independent events that involve both positive and negative examples. The computational cost for training is linearly dependent on the number of noise words at each step.
- Hierarchical softmax constructs the loss function using the path from the root node to the leaf node in the binary tree. The computational cost for training is dependent on the logarithm of the dictionary size at each step.
- How can we sample noise words in negative sampling?
- Verify that :eqref:
holds. - How to train the continuous bag of words model using negative sampling and hierarchical softmax, respectively?
创建日期: November 25, 2023