%load_ext d2lbook.tab
Asynchronous Random Search⚓︎
As we have seen in the previous :numref:sec_api_hpo
, we might have to wait
hours or even days before random search returns a good hyperparameter
configuration, because of the expensive evaluation of hyperparameter
configurations. In practice, we have often access to a pool of resources such as
multiple GPUs on the same machine or multiple machines with a single GPU. This
begs the question: How do we efficiently distribute random search?
In general, we distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous parallel
hyperparameter optimization (see :numref:distributed_scheduling
). In the
synchronous setting, we wait for all concurrently running trials to finish,
before we start the next batch. Consider configuration spaces that contain
hyperparameters such as the number of filters or number of layers of a deep
neural network. Hyperparameter configurations that contain a larger number of
layers of filters will naturally take more time to finish, and all other trials
in the same batch will have to wait at synchronisation points (grey area in
) before we can continue the optimization
In the asynchronous setting we immediately schedule a new trial as soon as resources
become available. This will optimally exploit our resources, since we can avoid any
synchronisation overhead. For random search, each new hyperparameter configuration
is chosen independently of all others, and in particular without exploiting
observations from any prior evaluation. This means we can trivially parallelize random
search asynchronously. This is not straight-forward with more sophisticated methods
that make decision based on previous observations (see :numref:sec_sh_async
While we need access to more resources than in the sequential setting, asynchronous
random search exhibits a linear speed-up, in that a certain performance is reached
\(K\) times faster if \(K\) trials can be run in parallel.
In this notebook, we will look at asynchronous random search that, where trials are
executed in multiple python processes on the same machine. Distributed job scheduling
and execution is difficult to implement from scratch. We will use Syne Tune
, which provides us with a simple interface for asynchronous
HPO. Syne Tune is designed to be run with different execution back-ends, and the
interested reader is invited to study its simple APIs in order to learn more about
distributed HPO.
from d2l import torch as d2l
import logging
from syne_tune.config_space import loguniform, randint
from syne_tune.backend.python_backend import PythonBackend
from syne_tune.optimizer.baselines import RandomSearch
from syne_tune import Tuner, StoppingCriterion
from syne_tune.experiments import load_experiment
Objective Function⚓︎
First, we have to define a new objective function such that it now returns the
performance back to Syne Tune via the report
def hpo_objective_lenet_synetune(learning_rate, batch_size, max_epochs):
from d2l import torch as d2l
from syne_tune import Reporter
model = d2l.LeNet(lr=learning_rate, num_classes=10)
trainer = d2l.HPOTrainer(max_epochs=1, num_gpus=1)
data = d2l.FashionMNIST(batch_size=batch_size)
model.apply_init([next(iter(data.get_dataloader(True)))[0]], d2l.init_cnn)
report = Reporter()
for epoch in range(1, max_epochs + 1):
if epoch == 1:
# Initialize the state of Trainer
trainer.fit(model=model, data=data)
validation_error = d2l.numpy(trainer.validation_error().cpu())
report(epoch=epoch, validation_error=float(validation_error))
Note that the PythonBackend
of Syne Tune requires dependencies to be imported
inside the function definition.
Asynchronous Scheduler⚓︎
First, we define the number of workers that evaluate trials concurrently. We also need to specify how long we want to run random search, by defining an upper limit on the total wall-clock time.
n_workers = 2 # Needs to be <= the number of available GPUs
max_wallclock_time = 12 * 60 # 12 minutes
Next, we state which metric we want to optimize and whether we want to minimize or
maximize this metric. Namely, metric
needs to correspond to the argument name
passed to the report
mode = "min"
metric = "validation_error"
We use the configuration space from our previous example. In Syne Tune, this
dictionary can also be used to pass constant attributes to the training script.
We make use of this feature in order to pass max_epochs
. Moreover, we specify
the first configuration to be evaluated in initial_config
config_space = {
"learning_rate": loguniform(1e-2, 1),
"batch_size": randint(32, 256),
"max_epochs": 10,
initial_config = {
"learning_rate": 0.1,
"batch_size": 128,
Next, we need to specify the back-end for job executions. Here we just consider the distribution on a local machine where parallel jobs are executed as sub-processes. However, for large scale HPO, we could run this also on a cluster or cloud environment, where each trial consumes a full instance.
trial_backend = PythonBackend(
We can now create the scheduler for asynchronous random search, which is similar
in behaviour to our BasicScheduler
from :numref:sec_api_hpo
scheduler = RandomSearch(
Syne Tune also features a Tuner
, where the main experiment loop and
bookkeeping is centralized, and interactions between scheduler and back-end are
stop_criterion = StoppingCriterion(max_wallclock_time=max_wallclock_time)
tuner = Tuner(
print_update_interval=int(max_wallclock_time * 0.6),
Let us run our distributed HPO experiment. According to our stopping criterion, it will run for about 12 minutes.
The logs of all evaluated hyperparameter configurations are stored for further analysis. At any time during the tuning job, we can easily get the results obtained so far and plot the incumbent trajectory.
tuning_experiment = load_experiment(tuner.name)
Visualize the Asynchronous Optimization Process⚓︎
Below we visualize how the learning curves of every trial (each color in the plot represents a trial) evolve during the asynchronous optimization process. At any point in time, there are as many trials running concurrently as we have workers. Once a trial finishes, we immediately start the next trial, without waiting for the other trials to finish. Idle time of workers is reduced to a minimum with asynchronous scheduling.
d2l.set_figsize([6, 2.5])
results = tuning_experiment.results
for trial_id in results.trial_id.unique():
df = results[results["trial_id"] == trial_id]
d2l.plt.xlabel("wall-clock time")
d2l.plt.ylabel("objective function")
We can reduce the waiting time for random search substantially by distribution trials across parallel resources. In general, we distinguish between synchronous scheduling and asynchronous scheduling. Synchronous scheduling means that we sample a new batch of hyperparameter configurations once the previous batch finished. If we have a stragglers - trials that takes more time to finish than other trials - our workers need to wait at synchronization points. Asynchronous scheduling evaluates a new hyperparameter configurations as soon as resources become available, and, hence, ensures that all workers are busy at any point in time. While random search is easy to distribute asynchronously and does not require any change of the actual algorithm, other methods require some additional modifications.
- Consider the
model implemented in :numref:sec_dropout
, and used in Exercise 1 of :numref:sec_api_hpo
.- Implement an objective function
to be used with Syne Tune. Make sure that your function reports the validation error after every epoch. - Using the setup of Exercise 1 in :numref:
, compare random search to Bayesian optimization. If you use SageMaker, feel free to use Syne Tune's benchmarking facilities in order to run experiments in parallel. Hint: Bayesian optimization is provided assyne_tune.optimizer.baselines.BayesianOptimization
. - For this exercise, you need to run on an instance with at least 4 CPU cores. For one of the methods used above (random search, Bayesian optimization), run experiments with
, and compare results (incumbent trajectories). At least for random search, you should observe linear scaling with respect to the number of workers. Hint: For robust results, you may have to average over several repetitions each.
- Implement an objective function
- Advanced. The goal of this exercise is to implement a new scheduler in Syne Tune.
- Create a virtual environment containing both the d2lbook and syne-tune sources.
- Implement the
from Exercise 2 in :numref:sec_api_hpo
as a new searcher in Syne Tune. Hint: Read this tutorial. Alternatively, you may follow this example. - Compare your new
on theDropoutMLP
创建日期: November 25, 2023