
Pretraining fastText⚓︎


In this section, we will train a skip-gram model defined in :numref:sec_word2vec.

First, import the packages and modules required for the experiment, and load the PTB dataset.

#@tab mxnet
from collections import defaultdict
from d2l import mxnet as d2l
from functools import partial
from mxnet import autograd, gluon, init, np, npx, cpu
from mxnet.gluon import nn
import random

#@tab mxnet
def compute_subword(token):
    if token[0] != '<' and token[-1] != '>':
        token = '<' + token + '>'
        subwords = {token}
        for i in range(len(token)-3):
            for j in range(i + 3, len(token)+1):
                if j - i <= 6:
        return subwords
        return [token]
#@tab mxnet
def get_subword_map(vocab):
    tokenid_to_subword, subword_to_idx = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(int)
    for token, tokenid in vocab.token_to_idx.items():
        subwords = compute_subword(token)
        for subword in subwords:
            if subword not in subword_to_idx:
                subword_to_idx[subword] = len(subword_to_idx)
    return tokenid_to_subword, subword_to_idx
#@tab mxnet
def token_transform(tokens, vocab, subword_map):
    if not isinstance(tokens, (list, tuple)):
        return d2l.truncate_pad(subword_map[tokens],
                                 64, vocab['<pad>'])
    return [token_transform(token, vocab, subword_map) for token in tokens]
#@tab mxnet
def batchify(data, vocab, subword_map):
    max_len = max(len(c) + len(n) for _, c, n in data)
    centers, contexts_negatives, masks, labels = [], [], [], []
    for center, context, negative in data:
        cur_len = len(context) + len(negative)
        centers += [token_transform([center], vocab, subword_map)]
        contexts_negatives += [token_transform(context + negative + \
                               [1] * (max_len - cur_len), vocab, subword_map)]
        masks += [[1] * cur_len + [0] * (max_len - cur_len)]
        labels += [[1] * len(context) + [0] * (max_len - len(context))]
    return (np.array(centers), np.array(contexts_negatives),
            np.array(masks), np.array(labels))
#@tab mxnet
def load_data_ptb(batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words):
    num_workers = d2l.get_dataloader_workers()
    sentences = d2l.read_ptb()
    vocab = d2l.Vocab(sentences, min_freq=10, reserved_tokens=['<pad>'])
    subsampled = d2l.subsampling(sentences, vocab)
    corpus = [vocab[line] for line in subsampled]
    all_centers, all_contexts = d2l.get_centers_and_contexts(
        corpus, max_window_size)
    all_negatives = d2l.get_negatives(all_contexts, corpus, num_noise_words)
    dataset = gluon.data.ArrayDataset(
        all_centers, all_contexts, all_negatives)
    subword_map, subword_to_idx = get_subword_map(vocab)
    data_iter = gluon.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True,
                                      batchify_fn=partial(batchify, vocab=vocab, subword_map=subword_map),
    return data_iter, vocab, subword_to_idx
#@tab mxnet
batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words = 512, 5, 5
data_iter, vocab, subword_to_idx = load_data_ptb(batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words)
#@tab mxnet
names = ['centers', 'contexts_negatives', 'masks', 'labels']
for batch in data_iter:
    for name, data in zip(names, batch):
        print(name, 'shape:', data.shape)

The Skip-Gram Model⚓︎

We will implement the skip-gram model by using embedding layers and minibatch multiplication. These methods are also often used to implement other natural language processing applications.

Embedding Layer⚓︎

The layer in which the obtained word is embedded is called the embedding layer, which can be obtained by creating an nn.Embedding instance in Gluon. The weight of the embedding layer is a matrix whose number of rows is the dictionary size (input_dim) and whose number of columns is the dimension of each word vector (output_dim). We set the dictionary size to \(20\) and the word vector dimension to \(4\).

#@tab mxnet
embed = nn.Embedding(input_dim=20, output_dim=4)

Skip-gram Model Forward Calculation⚓︎

In forward calculation, the input of the skip-gram model contains the central target word index center and the concatenated context and noise word index contexts_and_negatives. In which, the center variable has the shape (batch size, 1), while the contexts_and_negatives variable has the shape (batch size, max_len). These two variables are first transformed from word indexes to word vectors by the word embedding layer, and then the output of shape (batch size, 1, max_len) is obtained by minibatch multiplication. Each element in the output is the inner product of the central target word vector and the context word vector or noise word vector.

#@tab mxnet
def skip_gram(center, contexts_and_negatives, embed_v, embed_u, padding):
    v_embedding = embed_v(center)
    v_mask = (center!=padding).astype('float32')
    v = (v_embedding * np.expand_dims(v_mask, axis=-1)).sum(-1)/(np.expand_dims(v_mask.sum(-1), axis=-1)+1e-5)
    u_embedding = embed_u(contexts_and_negatives)
    u_mask = (contexts_and_negatives!=padding).astype('float32')
    u = (u_embedding * np.expand_dims(u_mask, axis=-1)).sum(-1)/(np.expand_dims(u_mask.sum(-1), axis=-1)+1e-5)
    pred = npx.batch_dot(v, u.swapaxes(1, 2))
    return pred

Verify that the output shape should be (batch size, 1, max_len).

#@tab mxnet
skip_gram(np.ones((2, 1, 64)), np.ones((2, 6, 64)), embed, embed, vocab['<pad>']).shape


Before training the word embedding model, we need to define the loss function of the model.

Binary Cross Entropy Loss Function⚓︎

According to the definition of the loss function in negative sampling, we can directly use Gluon's binary cross-entropy loss function SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss.

#@tab mxnet
loss = gluon.loss.SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss()

It is worth mentioning that we can use the mask variable to specify the partial predicted value and label that participate in loss function calculation in the minibatch: when the mask is 1, the predicted value and label of the corresponding position will participate in the calculation of the loss function; When the mask is 0, the predicted value and label of the corresponding position do not participate in the calculation of the loss function. As we mentioned earlier, mask variables can be used to avoid the effect of padding on loss function calculations.

Given two identical examples, different masks lead to different loss values.

#@tab mxnet
pred = np.array([[.5]*4]*2)
label = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0]]*2)
mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]])
loss(pred, label, mask)

We can normalize the loss in each example due to various lengths in each example.

#@tab mxnet
loss(pred, label, mask) / mask.sum(axis=1) * mask.shape[1]

Initializing Model Parameters⚓︎

We construct the embedding layers of the central and context words, respectively, and set the hyperparameter word vector dimension embed_size to 100.

#@tab mxnet
embed_size = 100
net = nn.Sequential()
net.add(nn.Embedding(input_dim=len(subword_to_idx), output_dim=embed_size),
        nn.Embedding(input_dim=len(subword_to_idx), output_dim=embed_size))


The training function is defined below. Because of the existence of padding, the calculation of the loss function is slightly different compared to the previous training functions.

#@tab mxnet
def train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs, ctx=d2l.try_gpu()):
    net.initialize(ctx=ctx, force_reinit=True)
    trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'adam',
                            {'learning_rate': lr})
    animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss',
                            xlim=[0, num_epochs])
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        timer = d2l.Timer()
        metric = d2l.Accumulator(2)  # loss_sum, num_tokens
        for i, batch in enumerate(data_iter):
            center, context_negative, mask, label = [
                data.as_in_ctx(ctx) for data in batch]
            with autograd.record():
                pred = skip_gram(center, context_negative, net[0], net[1], vocab['<pad>'])
                l = (loss(pred.reshape(label.shape), label, mask)
                     / mask.sum(axis=1) * mask.shape[1])
            metric.add(l.sum(), l.size)
            if (i+1) % 50 == 0:
    print('loss %.3f, %d tokens/sec on %s ' % (
        metric[0]/metric[1], metric[1]/timer.stop(), ctx))

Now, we can train a skip-gram model using negative sampling.

#@tab mxnet
lr, num_epochs = 0.01, 5
train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs)
#@tab mxnet
def get_similar_tokens(query_token, k, embed, vocab, subword_to_idx):
    W = embed.weight.data()
    x = W[vocab[query_token]]
    all_v = []
    for token in vocab.idx_to_token:
        subword = compute_subword(token)
        w_v = W[[subword_to_idx[s] for s in subword]].sum(0)
        all_v.append(np.expand_dims(w_v, 0))
    all_v = np.concatenate(all_v, 0)
    # Compute the cosine similarity. Add 1e-9 for numerical stability
    cos = np.dot(all_v, x) / np.sqrt(np.sum(all_v * all_v, axis=1) * np.sum(x * x) + 1e-9)
    topk = npx.topk(cos, k=k+1, ret_typ='indices').asnumpy().astype('int32')
    for i in topk[1:]:  # Remove the input words
        print('cosine sim=%.3f: %s' % (cos[i], (vocab.idx_to_token[i])))
#@tab mxnet
get_similar_tokens('chip', 3, net[0], vocab, subword_to_idx)

最后更新: November 25, 2023
创建日期: November 25, 2023