
Python guide

Install Redis and the Redis client, then connect your Python application to a Redis database.


Get started with the redis-py client for Redis.

redis-py requires a running Redis or Redis Stack server. See Getting started for Redis installation instructions.


To install redis-py, enter:

pip install redis

For faster performance, install Redis with hiredis support. This provides a compiled response parser, and for most cases requires zero code changes. By default, if hiredis >= 1.0 is available, redis-py attempts to use it for response parsing.

pip install redis[hiredis]


Connect to localhost on port 6379, set a value in Redis, and retrieve it. All responses are returned as bytes in Python. To receive decoded strings, set decode_responses=True. For more connection options, see these examples.

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)

Store and retrieve a simple string.

r.set('foo', 'bar')
# True
# bar

Store and retrieve a dict.

r.hset('user-session:123', mapping={
    'name': 'John',
    "surname": 'Smith',
    "company": 'Redis',
    "age": 29
# True

# {'surname': 'Smith', 'name': 'John', 'company': 'Redis', 'age': '29'}

Connect to a Redis cluster⚓︎

To connect to a Redis cluster, use RedisCluster.

from redis.cluster import RedisCluster

rc = RedisCluster(host='localhost', port=16379)

# [[host=,port=16379,name=,server_type=primary,redis_connection=Redis<ConnectionPool<Connection<host=,port=16379,db=0>>>], ...

rc.set('foo', 'bar')
# True

# b'bar'
For more information, see redis-py Clustering.

Connect to your production Redis with TLS⚓︎

When you deploy your application, use TLS and follow the Redis security guidelines.

import redis

r = redis.Redis(
    host="my-redis.cloud.redislabs.com", port=6379,
    username="default", # use your Redis user. More info https://redis.io/docs/management/security/acl/
    password="secret", # use your Redis password
r.set('foo', 'bar')
# True

# b'bar'
For more information, see redis-py TLS examples.

Example: Indexing and querying JSON documents⚓︎

Make sure that you have Redis Stack and redis-py installed. Import dependencies:

import redis
from redis.commands.json.path import Path
import redis.commands.search.aggregation as aggregations
import redis.commands.search.reducers as reducers
from redis.commands.search.field import TextField, NumericField, TagField
from redis.commands.search.indexDefinition import IndexDefinition, IndexType
from redis.commands.search.query import NumericFilter, Query

Connect to your Redis database.

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

Let's create some test data to add to your database.

user1 = {
    "name": "Paul John",
    "email": "paul.john@example.com",
    "age": 42,
    "city": "London"
user2 = {
    "name": "Eden Zamir",
    "email": "eden.zamir@example.com",
    "age": 29,
    "city": "Tel Aviv"
user3 = {
    "name": "Paul Zamir",
    "email": "paul.zamir@example.com",
    "age": 35,
    "city": "Tel Aviv"

Define indexed fields and their data types using schema. Use JSON path expressions to map specific JSON elements to the schema fields.

schema = (
    TextField("$.name", as_name="name"), 
    TagField("$.city", as_name="city"), 
    NumericField("$.age", as_name="age")

Create an index. In this example, all JSON documents with the key prefix user: will be indexed. For more information, see Query syntax.

rs = r.ft("idx:users")
        prefix=["user:"], index_type=IndexType.JSON
# b'OK'

Use JSON.SET to set each user value at the specified path.

r.json().set("user:1", Path.root_path(), user1)
r.json().set("user:2", Path.root_path(), user2)
r.json().set("user:3", Path.root_path(), user3)

Let's find user Paul and filter the results by age.

res = rs.search(
    Query("Paul @age:[30 40]")
# Result{1 total, docs: [Document {'id': 'user:3', 'payload': None, 'json': '{"name":"Paul Zamir","email":"paul.zamir@example.com","age":35,"city":"Tel Aviv"}'}]}

Query using JSON Path expressions.

    Query("Paul").return_field("$.city", as_field="city")
# [Document {'id': 'user:1', 'payload': None, 'city': 'London'}, Document {'id': 'user:3', 'payload': None, 'city': 'Tel Aviv'}]

Aggregate your results using FT.AGGREGATE.

req = aggregations.AggregateRequest("*").group_by('@city', reducers.count().alias('count'))
# [[b'city', b'Tel Aviv', b'count', b'2'], [b'city', b'London', b'count', b'1']]

Learn more⚓︎

最后更新: November 25, 2023
创建日期: November 25, 2023